New CA Law Requires Intoxication Training For Places That Serve Alcohol

There is a new law in California that is requiring mandatory training for businesses that serve beer, wine or liquor.

"It is anyone who checks identifications, who takes alcoholic beverage orders, who pours alcoholic beverages such as bartenders and anyone who delivers alcoholic beverages," said John Carr from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). The law will go into effect next month on July 1st and those that pour, shake, or mix an alcoholic cocktail must go through intoxication training to hopefully help cut down on DUI's.

"The law takes effect on July 1 and by August 31, everyone is supposed to be RBS certified and trained, or within 60 days of first employment," said Carr. The certification requirement is for employees where customers are served alcohol such as bars, restaurants, distilleries, breweries, brew pubs and wineries. Employees that need to take the training will do so at an approved ABC third-party site where they will be given an open book test.

The real test is when the server comes across someone who needs to be cut off due to being intoxicated. Click here for more.

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