New COVID-19 Trial In Fort Worth Focuses on Children

There's plenty of research on how the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for adults, but what about kids?

A research facility in Fort Worth is trying to answer that question.

Benchmark Research is enrolling kids as young as 6 years old in trials for the Novavax vaccine, CBS DFW reported.

The Novovax vaccine is not yet on the market, and its clinical trials on adults in the U.S. and Mexico are underway.

Results from earlier trials are promising. A Novovax trial in the United Kingdom found that two doses of the vaccine are 96% effective against the original COVID-19 strain and 86% effective against the UK variant.

Researchers are now trying to figure out if the vaccine will be as effective in kids. The Fort Worth trial will split children into age groups, 6 to 11 or 12 to 17. Kids will be given either the vaccine or a placebo and then be monitored for a year.

Researchers say they understand why parents are hesitant to sign their kids up for the vaccine trial.

“I think it’s a very difficult thing for a parent to do, but for this particular vaccine there is so much adult data out there that shows it’s safe. We really encourage them to call for more information. Information is powerful and it can help you make the decision," Cynthia Dukes, chief business officer of Benchmark Research, told CBS DFW.

Other vaccine trials involving kids are underway across the country. While there's no timetable for when a vaccine for kids younger than 16 will be approved, doctors are optimistic that one will be ready in 12 months, according to New York magazine.

Photo: Getty Images

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